How well do you know me?

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Well, hi!I was bored, and wanted to get my mind of some things, so I made this quiz, that was acoulypretty fun for me to make! I have a few warnings! If you knew me before I took a break from GTQ ,just to know I changed a bit, ago you might find out my age.

Well, however, here is a quiz for you to test your knowledge on how well do you know me! I hope you have fun, and that you will enjoy the quiz, now lets get into it! Good luck!

Created by: Hermiony
  1. Whats my nickname?
  2. From here am I?(easy)
  3. Do I have any pets?
  4. What are my mental illnesses?(medium)
  5. How old am I(REALY HARD+ Now you will know my age)
  6. Whats my religion?(medium)
  7. Do I play an instrument?
  8. What instrument do I play?
  9. How many pets do I have?
  10. What species are my pets?
  11. What are my favourite books?
  12. Whats my favourite movie?
  13. Do I draw/animate?
  14. Whats my youtube channel name?
  15. What OC is my main OC?
  16. Whats my sexuality?
  17. Finally, what gender am I?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?

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