How Well do you know me?

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This quiz is to see if you know me well. This quiz is only for my friends but if you not my friend it's ok but if you passed I'm surprised any send this quiz to everyone you know

If you passed that's really hard because I might never told you any of these questions so if u passed I'm proud we need to be besties then please send this quiz to everybody you know

Created by: Ayana
  1. What grade am I in
  2. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  3. How old am I
  4. What is my favorite fruit?
  5. What color iphone do I want?
  6. How many sister do I have
  7. How old is my youngest sister?
  8. How old is my second youngest sister
  9. Who is the oldest sibling
  10. Who is the youngest

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Quiz topic: How Well do I know me?

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