How well do you know me?

So this is a, how well do you know me quiz, and its pretty advanced. So only my bestest and closest friend will get this one about 70-80%!! If you are

A stranger, whatever, go on and you can fail. that's okay with me! But if you know me, that's good! If your random, tell me what you got in the comments! Also, i would be surprised if you were a random person!! wtf, only my bffs can see this not you i wasted time!

Created by: Star1228
  1. What fast food would i like?
  2. What is my name?
  3. How many siblings do i have, mrs. Smartie??
  4. Do i love making quizzes?
  5. Where do i live?
  6. What is my hobby? What do I love?
  7. What is my 2nd name?
  8. My fave book?
  9. My moms name is what?
  10. Last but not least, what Friend would i prefer?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?

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