How well do you know me?

I am awesome! I am cool! How well do you know ME?!?!? You should hope yo do know me! I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool!

I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool! I am awesome! I am cool!

Created by: Mistyheart13
  1. I write Love can Bite.
  2. I created T.T.'s.
  3. My favorite cookie is...
  4. My hair Color is...
  5. My eye color is...
  6. My #1 GTQ Idol is...
  7. My GTQ BFFLNMWAFE (best friend for life no matter what and for eternity) is...
  8. My favorite DOA (DaughterOfApollo) qoute is...
  9. Favorite Color?
  10. Siblings that I've meantioned?
  11. GTQ Demigod Twin?
  12. When my demigod twin is not on, I'm the daughter of...
  13. That's it! ARE YOU READY!?!?!?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?