How Awesome are You?

Do you feel run-down and uncool? Feel unpopular and no friends? Well, with this quiz, I can make you into a totally awesome A-Lister. 30 questions determines how cool you really are. Try it out and see who you should really be hanging out with.

This is more aimed to people still in school, or under the age of 25. But don't worry, even you can be cool. Yes, you, Grampa! So what are you waiting for? Take the quiz to see how awesome you really are!

Created by: Morgan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the coolest make of shoe, in your opinion?
  2. What is the coolest outfit, in your opinion?
  3. What is the coolest music, in your opinion?
  4. What is the coolest piece of technology, in your opinion?
  5. What's the coolest band, in your opinion?
  6. What is the coolest movie, in your opinion?
  7. What is the coolest TV programme, in your opinion?
  8. What does FTW mean?
  9. What is the coolest colour, in your opinion?
  10. What does LOL mean?
  11. Cool kids have all of the following. Which one is the coolest?
  12. What is the opposite of 'cool'?
  13. When cool girls walk around, they often carry a ____. What?
  14. "____, how are you?" What was the missing word?
  15. How often do you think cool kids have parties?
  16. Kids are masters at doing things they shouldn't be doing. How often do you think they sneak out?
  17. Do cool kids wear glasses?
  18. Do you think you're cool and will pass this test?

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Quiz topic: How Awesome am I?