How well do you know Me?!

Quiz Image

First of this picture isn't even remotely me though i wish it was. she looks great. this is a tricky quiz that only few people can get right. but hey! you can try.

This quiz is designed to see how smart you can guess. well it is a 'How Much Do You Know Me?' quiz soo... anyway i hope you enjoy the quiz even though you know like nothing about me. Recommend to friends and family to twist their heads around.

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. what is my fave color?
  2. What is my fave food?
  3. what is my fave tv show?
  4. What are my fave movie[s]?
  5. What is my fave app?
  6. What religion am I?
  7. How many siblings do i have?
  8. Who is my fave actor?
  9. What is my fave hobby?
  10. What is my fave book series?
  11. Who is my fave Author?
  12. What is my fave store?
  13. What is my fave restaurant?
  14. What color is my skin?
  15. What color are my eyes?
  16. What color is my hair?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Me?!

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