How well do you know me?

This quiz is to test how well you know me. The questions are all *real* and all details about me. We often think we know someone, but find out down the road, we really don't! Take the quiz, and find out how well you *really* know me.

Do you think we are best friends? Do you think you know my deepest, darkest, secrets? (haha hopefully NOT!) This quiz will determine just how well you know the littlest, most minute details about me!

Created by: Chris
  1. Where haven't I lived before?
  2. What can I absolutely, positively, *NOT* leave my house without. (I will turn back around and get it, every time!)
  3. What is my ultimate career goal in life?
  4. What kind of dog do I want?
  5. Which of the following films is *NOT* one of my favorite movies?
  6. What is my favorite song of *ALL TIME?*
  7. What instrument do I play?
  8. What was the name of the film I directed?
  9. If we were out to eat, and we were *not* drinking alcohol, what would I order to drink?
  10. Which of the following stories is a dirty lie?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?