How well do you know me

Hi, this is a quiz that i made and posted for you to test your knowledge about me. If you know me irl or are on the forums a lot, this should be a piece of cake for you.

So, do you really know who I am or will you fail miserably? There is only one right way to find out. And sadly, the only way is to take this quiz that is a complete waste of time.

Created by: Agent

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Wich one is my main thread?
  2. What kind of personality am I?
  3. How many of the following fandoms am I a part of?: Furry, pokemon, drawing, dancing, singing.
  4. What is my name? (Not Agent)
  5. Do you know me irl?
  6. How many of the following games do I play?: Minecraft, Phasmophobia, Genshin, Forts, Buckshot roulette.
  7. Am I openned for new themes an experiences.
  8. What is closest to my everyday schedule on here?
  9. How many relationships have gone wrong by now?
  10. How many friends do I have?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me