How well do you know me?

Ya know, there are alot of smart people out there, but they just dont use their brain! If your smart you'll use your brain to take my quiz and pass it :)

Do you have what it takes to be at the top of quiz? Do you know me that well to call your best friend? Well, take it and we'll find out :) So, hopefully you'll pass and we'll be the best of friends. Muahz!! Hugs and kisses. Best of luck to you all <3

Created by: Sharon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many animals do I have?
  2. What's my favorite football team?
  3. How tall am I?
  4. When's my birthday?
  5. Who's my favorite Idol from Season 5?
  6. What sport do I hate the most?
  7. What's my favorite color?
  8. What was my favorite subject in school?
  9. What's my favorite band?
  10. Do you love me?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?