How well do you know me?

I know a lot of people, and people know me, but how well do you think you know me? Take this quiz and find out, you sorry person. Syke! This has no consequences.

Are YOU my stalker? This quiz is to figure out how well you know me. If you get a high score, good for you and leave me alone. If you are a friend of mine, please don't kill me when you get the chance!

Created by: Lewie Rodgers of Sweet Lew
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my nickname the football team gave me?
  2. What is my favorite college football team?
  3. What is my favorite hobby?
  4. Who was my first girlfriend?
  5. What is my favorite food?
  6. Who am I hanging out with at school often (girlwise)?
  7. What camp am I a CIT (counsilor in training) at?
  8. How did I break my hip?
  9. What is my favorite movie?
  10. Where do I work at?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?