how well do you know mcr

If you didn't know this is a quiz test about your knolige of My Chemical Romance. this test is to see if you are in the mcr army an mcrmy or killjoy to let you in the black pearade

This is to see if you know lyrics and have generol knolege of the music madness. well do you ! so lets get started with the quiz and lets see how much you know about mychem

Created by: mcrmad
  1. Who came up with the band's name
  2. Whear did the band originaly come from
  3. How tall is frank iero
  4. Ray toro hates his hair:
  5. What did mrilyn manson acuse gerard way of stealing
  6. Lyric Time:I'd pohotograph all the things that we could be, if you took the time to notic me,
  7. Why did MCR want to write a song about cancer
  8. Lyric Time: Can you hear me cry out to you words i thought i'd choke on figer out.
  9. Why was the song "headfirst for holes written
  10. What are mcr fans calld
  11. Lyric Time: You see your life in my hands your love is coverd in blood and piss,clean me off i'm so dirty babe
  12. Last question: What do My chemical romance do on stage to represent the crime ridden area thay grew up in.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know mcr