How well do you know Matthias

Are you a true Matthite? Do You have what it takes to meet our special guest and make him proud? He will speak to you when you get your result. You decide wether he speaks with love or not....

You will be able to test your strength of knowledge about the one and only Matthias. Will you pass or will you fall crashing and burning? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Theshadow
  1. How many kids does Matthias have?
  2. What website does Matthias buy things from for YouTube videos?
  3. What is the name of Matthias's brother?
  4. Who is in Matthias's videos and helps him the most?
  5. Who is Matthias's brother in law?
  6. What is the phrase that Matthias does NOT say while rating his items?
  7. What does Matthias do when a item is really expensive?
  8. Who is Matthias's cousin?
  9. What does Matthias refer a lot of things to during his videos?
  10. Who is Matthias's AMAZING wife?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Matthias
