How well do you know Manda Panda?

How well do you know someone can be determined on how well you can answer some questions about them or their life. Take the quiz now to see how well you know Amanda Ahrens!!

How well do you know Amanda? Are you acquaintances? Friends? Close friends? Best friends even? It will only take a minute, see how well you know this charming little kent xD

Created by: Amanda Ahrens

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old am I?
  2. What kind of dog does she have?
  3. What is her dog's actual name?
  4. What is her middle name?
  5. Where does she have a tattoo?
  6. What part of my body do I want to change the most?
  7. Biggest fear?
  8. What do I enjoy most?
  9. First thing I notice in the opposite sex?
  10. Who is my hero?
  11. Eye colur
  12. Howw many piercings?
  13. Something I can't stand
  14. Biggest pet peeve?
  15. Favorite food?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Manda Panda?