How Well Do You Know Man of Steel

You have a clever mind. A genius is somebody who is clever. Like you! You know Man of Steel, right? You do? Of course you do! Let's check it all out!!

You think that you know Man of Steel? Let's find out. From questions about death, and about things that you wouldn't even think of. So, you think that you have what it takes? Let's check it out!!!!!!!

Created by: Natalie Tomlinson
  1. What was the purpose of putting the codex in the capsule?
  2. How did Clark's Earth Father die?
  3. What is Clark's actual name?
  4. How did Clark's mother die?
  5. What kind of climate was where Clark had found his home / ship?
  6. How many cycles were taken because of treason committed and murder before Crypton had fallen?
  7. What restaurant was Clark nearly killed in in the end of the movie?
  8. How many hours were given for somebody to turn Clark in on the broadcast?
  9. Why did Clark not hand over the codec to save Earth?
  10. What color was Clark's cape?
  11. (Dumb question, I know, but just go with it :-D) What color eyes did Clark have?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Man of Steel