How well do you know Magcon ?

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There are some girls who love Magcon and I know I do ! they are my life , seriously . I met them at six flags , lols I loved it Jacob is the sweetest person ever

Do you thin you know them well ? JUST FING OUT YOU NEVER KNOW !? lets find out only now you can find out ! lols . you should try this quiz thank you >

Created by: Katherine
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is Nash's real name ?
  2. Who has gorgeous blue eyes?
  3. Who is the oldest in Magcon ?
  4. Who is the Blonde one in magcon?
  5. What is Mahoganys real name ?
  6. What is Jacob and magoganys ship name?
  7. Do you love magcon ?
  8. Whos middle name is McCoy ?
  9. WHO looks like Justin bieber ? sikeee
  10. Where was the last magcon with everyone ?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Magcon ?