How well do you know Maddie?

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Are you tired of taking Liv OR MADDIE quizzes, well here you get to take a How well do you know maddie quiz! Give it a go! You'll do awesome!!!!!!!!! Yay! Go, Go, Go!

Good luck! You'll do awesome, I don't care what you got! I know your amazing in your own way. So if you don't know Maddie that well you can just try harder next time!

Created by: Sophia
  1. Basketball or Hockey?
  2. Sneakers or Heels?
  3. Dress or Jeans?
  4. What's Maddies catch phrase?
  5. Does she get nervous?
  6. Who's her crush?
  7. Who calls Maddie Mad Dog?
  8. What is Maddies middle name?
  9. Why did Maddie and Diggie break up?
  10. For Fun, Whats your name

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Maddie?
