How well do you know mabel pines

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Ok you wach gravity falls right ok if you do this might be a quiz for you but if you love mabel pines and know a lot about her then you are gonna love this quiz

Are you a true knower of gravity falls of corse you are why would you be reading this then mabel rocks ok I call myself mabel all the time so I made a quiz trust me its not easy

Created by: Aimee
  1. What's Mabel's pig named
  2. What food does mabel go crazy over
  3. What is Mabel's first sweater you see
  4. How many harts does Mabel's boyfriend have
  5. Who does mabel hate
  6. Who does mabel blackmail
  7. Who are Mabel's best freinds
  8. Who does mabel hate
  9. Does mabel have a stuffed animal what animal is it
  10. Do you like gravity falls

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Quiz topic: How well do I know mabel pines