How well do you know Lord of the Rings?

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“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”- Gandalf the Grey. What will you choose to do with it? Take my quiz? Or become a fan of Lord of the Rings?

Choose wisely and have fun answering questions about Lord of the Rings. Think wisely like Gandalf the Grey. Or you will face a terrible punishment. YOU…SHALL NOT…PASS!!!

Created by: Kgbhorse
  1. What event is going on when Gandalf is going to see Bilbo?
  2. Frodo inherited _____ from Bilbo when he left.
  3. How many hobbits were part of the Fellowship of the Ring?
  4. Does anyone from the Fellowship die?
  5. Finish the quote: “You shall not _____!”
  6. Who did Merry and Pippin make friends with when they were hiding from orcs?
  7. Who betrays Frodo near the end of the movie?
  8. What land is known as the Realm of the Horse Lords?
  9. Which of these enemies are not in Lord of the Rings?
  10. In Lord of the Rings, where does the whole quest take place?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Lord of the Rings?
