How well do you know Lonnnie and Joby?

How well do you know Joby and Lonnie from their YouTube channel "datswhatimsayin". Take this quiz to find out! Yay!!!! :D TAKE THE QUIZ NOW OKIESSEEEE

Do you really know Joby and Lonnie, take this quiz to find out now!!!! If you don't know them go to their YouTube channel "datswhatimsayin" before taking this

Created by: JinxesShadow

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  1. First of all, if you don't know who Lonnnie and Joby are, go to their Youtube channel. Look up "datswhatimsayin" to find them. Watch all their videos, (there's not many, maybe 10-15) and then come back and take this quiz!
  2. What race is Lonnie?
  3. Do Joby and Lonnie travel a lot?
  4. Is Joby a dog, cat, pig, bear, horse or human?
  5. What is Joby' s favorite thing to do?
  6. Have you watched the Joby and Lonnie videos?
  7. What color is Joby?
  8. Do you think Lonnie and Joby are funny?
  9. What floors are in Lonnie and Jobys house?
  10. Have Lonnie and Joby made a dog training videotape?
  11. Rate their videos from one to six.
  12. Does Joby make big messes?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Lonnnie and Joby?