How well do you know little big planet 1?

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This is a short quiz that I made to test how well you know little big planet 1 if you don’t know the first game of the game itself I suggest you do a different quiz that suits you more,

In this quiz I ask questions about items.. levels.. etc, and well that’s pretty much it and I need to make this a paragraph so I guess I’ll just say have a nice day?? But seriously please have a nice day

Created by: phobia turkey
  1. When you are shown how to dress up the sack-person on the screen is wearing what teeth?
  2. The game is made by..
  3. The description on the main story level ‘skulldozer’ is..
  4. How do you punch/slap other players?
  5. If you wait long enough what of these will NOT happen?
  6. What was the first level I ever made OuO (don’t worry this doesn’t change your score)
  7. When you start up the game it mentions what people of little big planet call earth, what do they call it?
  8. The last area is..
  9. When you start a new game your sack-person is wearing..
  10. Are there kits you can purchase?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know little big planet 1?
