How well do you know Lindsey

well now, you might be asking well do I know Lindsey. well if you are then have i got the quiz for you. comeon take it. take it take it, you know you want to so just do it alredy

so, i bet you have always wondered, how well do i know Lindsey, and i wonder how well i would do on a quiz about lindsey. well now, if you take tha quiz you can find out

Created by: Lindsey
  1. What is Lindsey's favorite color
  2. What Lindsey's fovorite animal
  3. What dose Lindsey love to do the most
  4. What is the name of Lindsey's hometown
  5. Whats Lindsey's favorite food
  6. Whats Lindsey's middle name
  7. Where dose Lindsey currently attend school
  8. What dose Lindsey's do when noone is watching
  9. Who is Lindsey's Celebrity crush
  10. Why did you take this quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Lindsey