How well do you know Lilo and Stitch the series?

Have you watched Lilo and Stitch? Did you know there's a series? Maybe you have watched it before. But.. how well do you know it? Test yourself by taking this quiz.

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Created by: Clara
  1. Who is the show mostly about
  2. Who is experiment 624?
  3. Where was the one true place Cannonball belonged?
  4. Does the show sometimes include characters from other cartoons?
  5. Do they ever catch experiment 626?
  6. What power does Sparky have?
  7. Fill in the blanks. Angel sings and tries to turn Stitch evil. Stitch's reaction: "____ ____ _____!"
  8. What power does Clip have?
  9. Are ALL the episodes about catching experiments.
  10. Who does Stitch have a crush on?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Lilo and Stitch the series?
