How well do you know legolas

There are few people who really know this elf . He is an elf from the lord of the rings and the hobbit . He also happens to be a prince . Do you know who I'm talking about?

Do you know him? Prove it. If you are a true Legolas fan then my quiz will be easy, if you have difficulty, then try again:) TAKE MY QUIZ please:)!!!!!!!!

Created by: Leggy
  1. Where does he come from?
  2. What color hair does he have?
  3. Is legolas In love with Arwen?
  4. True or false? Legolas hates gimli?
  5. Legolas uses what?
  6. In the lord of the rings, what color eyes does he have?
  7. True or false? In The Two Towers, before the battle of Helms deep Aragorn has a fight with Legolas
  8. True or false ?, Legolas has a cat?
  9. Did Legolas kill Soron?
  10. Does Legolas help the orcs?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know legolas