How well do you know Lebanon?

In this quiz, you will be asked questions about Lebanon. Go from night life to sweets. From Arak to ruins. From governorates to famous people. From borders to the Phenicians.

This quiz also help boost your knowledge about Lebanon. So by taking this, you will be more knowledgeable. Wish you the best of luck. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Baba Yaga
  1. Which Lebanese city is famous for its roman ruins:
  2. Which Lebanese governorate is the largest:
  3. Which Lebanese city is famous for its sweets:
  4. Who is Lebanese:
  5. Which Lebanese city is famous for its nightlife:
  6. What dish is the signature dish of Lebanon:
  7. What is Lebanon's main religion:
  8. If someone came up to you and asked you how much can you fit into your car, what do you say:
  9. Which Lebanese city is famous for its "arak":
  10. How many countries border Lebanon:
  11. What was the strongest city at the times of the Phenicians:

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Lebanon?
