how well do you know leah ashe

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hi, this is a Leah ashe quiz it tests how much you know about Leah ashe and if you are a fake fan or not. if you are a fake fan leave amidintly and use star code leah ashe when buying robux!!

so anyways please take this quiz and find out your score and please try and get Leah ashe to see this guys and use star code leah ashe when buying robux!!!

Created by: Autumn-rose
  1. whats her adopt me unicorn called
  2. whats her fav color
  3. whats her fav adopt me game
  4. whats her natural hair color
  5. whats her adopt me otter called
  6. whats her hair color right now
  7. whats her fav drink
  8. is leah ashe good or evil?
  9. whats leah ashes gender
  10. who's her sister

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Quiz topic: How well do I know leah ashe
