How Well Do You Know LDShadowlady

There are many Smart and Many Viewers that watch every single day over and over again but lets see if u are because i know i am no joke but enough about me now about you!

ARE YOU THAT PERSON WHO WATCHES EVERY DAY LETS FIND OUT YAY Do U Like LDShadowlady Hmmmm Because i do Hmmmmmmm Heheheheh Kawaii things hehehehe Moo Oink

Created by: DiscoverMe
  1. What is LDShadowladys real name?
  2. Who is Lizzie Dating?
  3. What does her family members call her
  4. What pet does lizzie have and what is his/hers name?
  5. What pet does lizzie have and what is his/hers name?
  6. How Many Series Does Lizzie Have right now (Feb 24 2016)
  7. What is Lizzie Good At
  8. How many Subs did Lizzie have when she did draw my life
  9. Where does Lizzie Live
  10. Only a couple More Questions What is lizzies favorite animal
  11. Lizzie is in a group on youtube called...
  12. Lizzie is in a group on youtube called...
  13. Lizzie is in a group on youtube called...
  14. Lizzies Multiplayer world is called...
  15. LAST QUESTION Did u enjoy thing quiz

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know LDShadowlady