How well do you know Kubz Scouts?

Kubz Scouts is a popular YouTube channel, but how well do you know him? They've been around awhile, have you heard of them? Find out how well you know them in this test!

Be sure to check out Kubz scouts after the quiz, I'm sure they'll appreciate it! In the mean time, enjoy this amazing test, and be on the look out for part two!

Created by: KryptoCat

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  1. Hi! First off, have you heard of Kubz scouts?
  2. Ok let's begin! What is the Kubz Scouts real name?
  3. What is his girlfriends name?
  4. Which of the following games can be seen being played on this channel?
  5. How many "reading your comments" videos are there?
  6. Has Kubz scouts ever done a collab video?
  7. Where is the guy from Kubz scouts from?
  8. Did Kubz scouts ever play the impossible quiz?
  9. Is Kubz scouts friends with pewdiepie?
  10. Does Kubz scouts swear? (as in cuss)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Kubz Scouts?