How Well Do You Know KOTLC?

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Hi! this is Penella Sencen! I'm so excited to get this quiz started! Please do not look up answers (aka cheat) because that ruins the whole scoring effect.

Spoiler Alert!!!! This quiz is to be taken by those of you who have read all keeper books. I promise You'll Regret it if you haven't. Enjoy the quiz! : ) :) ;)

Created by: Penella Sencen
  1. Who found Sophie in the Forbidden Cities?
  2. Where in the Forbidden Cities did Sophie live?
  3. Who is Sophie's goblin bodyguard?
  4. Who was Sophie's first BEST friend?
  5. What was the name of the star Sophie illegally bottled in book one?
  6. What is Keefe's new ability (or merged abilities)?
  7. Who is Sophie's Genetical mother?
  8. Bo is Keefe's bodyguard. True or false?
  9. Flori turned into a panakes tree. True or false?
  10. Sandor and Grizel are dating. True or false?
  11. What is Lady Gisela's experiment on Keefe called?
  12. Where does Lord Cassius aka Lord Jerkface currently live?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know KOTLC?

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