How well do you know KOTLC?

This is a challenging little quiz that I made for all the KOTLC fans out there. You have to be a really close reader to remember some of the things I put in this quiz.

In order to do well on this quiz, you probably want to read the KOTLC books (Keeper of the Lost Cities). You need to read every last one, including 8.5. Have fun!

Created by: Katrina
  1. What is Sophie's middle name?
  2. Who wrote the series?
  3. Who are Tam and Linh's parents?
  4. What was the Song's family's original last name?
  5. How does Fitz usually react to problems?
  6. What is the Elvin capital?
  7. Is Alluveterre underground or aboveground?
  8. Where were Peace Summits held?
  9. This is a hard question, so I won't make it count for too much: Which Councillor's cache contains more Forgotten Secrets than any other Councillors?
  10. What is the foundation of the Elvin world?
  11. How much is one luster worth in human dollars?
  12. Where do red leaping crystals take you?
  13. This will not affect your answer, but what would you say the Elite levels at Foxfire are most like?
  14. What is the rarest animal in the Lost Cities?
  15. Which kind of quintessence does Keefe THINK ether tine is made of?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know KOTLC?
