How well do you know kids? Adults only

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There are many good parents, but few are great ones. What is a great parent. What does a great parent do? They know what their children want, they can make them happy!

Are YOU a great parent? Do have the special qualities to become your child's favorite? Until now, you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes, you will find out!

Created by: Tawny Winters
  1. Your kid has a bad day and attitude. You punish them but they have an even worse the next day.
  2. Your kid is sad.
  3. What is the best thing to buy for the kid? Case: Girly Girl.
  4. Best gift. Case Tomboy
  5. Best gift. Case:Boy
  6. Your kid is sad when you go to the mall. Why?
  7. If a kid wants something they can't have, they will:
  8. Will you read in you're kid's diary?
  9. Do you have a job?
  10. Will you post your results?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know kids? Adults only