How Well Do You Know Kelsey-Kane???

You may know your other friends, but do you know me? President Kelsey-Kane of the Candy Band? Find out how well YOU know me here, with 20 simple Q's!!!

Do YOU know ME?!?! Well, DO YA?!?! Don't Know? Well then, you better take this LOVELY 20 Q quiz to find out!!! It's only a few clicks away and some realy simple Q's! Well, simple if you really do know me! But how would you know if you don't take this quiz?!?!

Created by: Kelsey
  1. What is my fave food?
  2. What is my fave Miley Cyrus Song?!?!
  3. What's my fave type of gum?
  4. What is my fave subject in school?
  5. What is my LEAST fave subject in school?
  6. What is my biggest annoyance?
  7. My fave color combo is...
  8. My fave CB Groups Class to teach is...
  9. What DON'T i like 2 do out of these choices?
  10. I spend most of my day...
  11. I'm afraid of all of these but which one?
  12. My favorite time of day is...
  13. My LEAST favorite series of books out of these...
  14. My favorite thing to do outside is...
  15. What is my fave shape on the computer?
  16. How do my friends describe me?
  17. I am...
  18. When I grow up I want to be a...
  19. I want to go to ___________ for college.
  20. My star sign (for horoscopes) is...

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Kelsey-Kane???