How well do you know Katrina Kaif?

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Play if you are a big fan of the queen Katrina Kaif.omplete this quiz and you can can be a Katrina fan.In that QUIZ you can see how well do you know Katrina Kaif

That Quiz is for Katrina Kaif fan.Katrina is your idol . Yes or no. Complete this quiz and you can can be a Katrina fan.In that QUIZ you can see how well do you know Katrina Kaif

Created by: Kat of KATRINAKAIF
(your link here more info)
  1. Which of them isn`t Katrina Kaif sister`s name ?
  2. On what day the Katrina has released most of the movies?
  3. Which is Kat best friend ?
  4. When Kat opened Instagram page ?
  5. Which is the first person that Katrina followed in Instagram?
  6. Which is the actress that Katrina hate
  7. What is her mother profession?
  8. Which of them isn`t her role?
  9. Which is her famous song?
  10. Which of them doesn`t doing a movie with them?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Katrina Kaif?
