How well do you know Kakashi Hatake

This is a quiz that relies on your facts about Kakashi Hatake make sure to check out my other Naruto quizes #Naruto4life have a great day guys byeeee.

All the credits belong to Masashi Kishimoto he is the creator of Naruto, Naruto Shipudden, Boruto so all the credits belong to the amazing man have a great day bye

Created by: Narutofanboy2222
  1. Who is Kakashi's father
  2. Who is Kakashi's sensei
  3. Who were Kakashi's two allies (teammates)
  4. Why does Kakashi have a mask over his nose and mouth
  5. Does Kakashi have a mangekyu sharingan
  6. What's Kakashi's mangekyu sharingan's name
  7. Does Kakashi become hokage
  8. When Kakashi became hokage what number was he
  9. Who's Kakashi's rival
  10. What episode does Kakashi become hokage in

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Kakashi Hatake
