How well do you know Justin Bieber's Mistletoe *lyrics*

Do you know Justin Bieber's song Mistletoe well? DO YA? DO YA? DO YA!? I guess you do or you would be failing this quiz, but have fun. OK words are here

Are you under the mistletoe with the Biebbs? I am. He's mine b----es! LOL. really THOUGH. JUST HAVE SOME FUN. I KNOW THE SONG... DO YOU? words are here

Created by: karlzzz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Finish the line: I should be playin' in thw winter snow, but ------------------
  2. What album is the song from
  3. What sound is played at the start of the song?
  4. 'I should be...'
  5. Is it Shorty or Shawty?
  6. Kiss me under...'
  7. eh, love, the...'
  8. Did he want to miss out on the holidays?
  9. End the song...
  10. It's what?
  11. Answer this riddle: Four cars cam e to a four way stop, all coming from different directions. they can't decide who go there first, so they went at the same time. if they didn't crash how is this possible? (answer in next question * answer for this question is the 1st one :)
  12. Answer is: They all made right hand turns :) did ya get it?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Justin Bieber's Mistletoe *lyrics*