How Well Do You Know Justin Bieber??!

There are lots of Beliebers in the world but only true Beliebers can answer all these questions in the quiz: "How well do you know Justin Bieber", so come over here Beleibers and try this quiz!

Are you a true Belieber? Do you have the guts to take this quiz ? If you want to know if your a Belieber or not, take this quiz and in a few minutes you'll find out!!

Created by: Jana
  1. What's Justin Bieber's B-Day?? ;)
  2. What's Justin's Mom's Name ?
  3. Where Does Justin Bieber Mainly Live??
  4. How Old Is Justin? :D
  5. How Many Dogs Justin Bieber Had?!!
  6. What Are Justin's Favorite Colors?? ;p
  7. What Are Justin Bieber's Nicknames?
  8. Justin Bieber's Grandma Was Great At....?
  9. Justin's Dad Plays....??
  10. Justin Started Dating When He Was.....?
  11. Justin Bieber's Favorite TV Show Is...?
  12. What's Justin Bieber's Favorite Food??
  13. Justin Wanted To Buy His Mom A ................... When He First Earned $1,000,000
  14. Justin Bieber Speaks...?
  15. Justin Prefers...?
  16. His Celebrity Crush Is On..?
  17. Justin Bieber Is Very Protective On....?
  18. Justin's Favorite Num Is...?
  19. Justin Bieber's Fav Music Is .....?
  20. Justin Bieber's Favorite Drink Is..?
  21. Justin's Favorite "Slang" Word Is....?
  22. Justin's Shoe Size Is...?
  23. Justin Bieber Likes....?
  24. Justin's Mom..?
  25. What Is Justin's Full Name??
  26. Last Q.>>>>> DID YOU HAVE FUN???!!!! :**

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Justin Bieber??!