How Well Do You Know Josh Hutcherson???

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Do you really think you know all about "The Hunger Games" Josh Hutcherson??? Take this quiz to find out if you are the ultimate Josh Hutcherson fan!!!

It will only take a few minutes and A LOT of effort to figure out the answers to these questions... :) have fun and good luck!!!!!!!! (it's only hard if you're not a huge fan!)

Created by: Brianna
  1. What is Josh's full name?
  2. When is Josh's birthday?
  3. What is Josh's brother's name?
  4. Where was Josh born?
  5. What are Josh's dogs' names?
  6. Who is Josh's favorite superhero?
  7. How tall is Josh?
  8. What is Josh's favorite color?
  9. What is Josh's favorite sport?
  10. Who did Josh play in "The Forger"?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Josh Hutcherson???