How well do you know Jordan?

Jordan has alot of friends and she doesnt know if there true friends or fake.Jordan is a great person and she can brighten up anything she has a boyfriend and she is a sexy,independent,and every good quality a girl can have.

Do YOU know Jordan?How well?Are you her friend?If so lets see how good of a friend you are to her and if you can tell her you are a good friend.Thanks to this quiz you can find out

Created by: Jordan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my boyfriends name?
  2. Who's my best friend?
  3. Whats my favorite show?
  4. Whats my favorite movie?
  5. Whats the cicumfrence of my boobs?
  6. Whats my moms name?
  7. What kind of music do i like?
  8. What do i like to do?
  9. Do i love my boyfriend?
  10. What do i do when my boyfriend comes over?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Jordan?