How well do you know JoJo Siwa?

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This quiz will prove whether you are a JoJo Siwa fan or not. Just try to think about JoJo and who she is and what she likes. It will be fun. Go ahead and try it.

I believe that ,if your a a true JoJo Siwa fan, you can ace this quiz. Of course, maybe you can if your sister is obsessed with her. Who knows! Maybe you know more about her than you thought you did! GO FOR IT!

Created by: Glittergirl
  1. JoJo Siwa was born in:
  2. JoJo Siwa always wears a ______ in her hair.
  3. Which of these is not a song by JoJo Siwa
  4. JoJo Siwa’s outfits always include____.
  5. Who will be the opening act for JoJo Siwa’s next concert (2022)
  6. JoJo Siwa’s mom is______.
  7. Is JoJo Siwa gay?
  8. What is the purpose of JoJo Siwa’s song Boomerang?
  9. What is the name of JoJo Siwa’s dog?
  10. Was and is JoJo Siwa a young singer?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know JoJo Siwa?
