How well do you know Japanese?

Welcome wanderer. You have come in search of answers. I am ready to answer them. But be warned, this journey is not for the weak of mind. Prepare to think, be thought of, and thought with. May you leave this with a deep sense of understanding and peace. Good luck.

(Just a side note, this quiz uses basic yet innocent stereotypes so just answer the one you fit in most with.) Don’t take it too seriously, as this is an internet quiz

Created by: Purple Star
  1. Why did you feel like you needed to take this quiz?
  2. Let’s get on with this then. How much anime do you watch in a day?
  3. Choose what comes to your mind first when I say this name: Krayri Pamyu Pamyu
  4. Finish the sentence: Watashi ha...desu.
  5. Imagine this. You’re in the mythical Japanese fishing town of Sakanagashimoyo, and you see a wooden sign that has characters you don’t recognize, you:
  6. Next scenario. You’re still in Sakakanagashimoyo, and a random stranger asks you a question, but in Japanese. You:
  7. Finally you’re out of Sakanagashimoyo. Your first reactions?
  8. You are ready to go back to your country, but you figure out your flight was cancelled, you:
  9. On my free time, I’m most likely:
  10. The last question. You have made it. Your thoughts?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Japanese?
