How well do you know Janie Goheen?

Janie is a friend of mine, and i like to stalk her. She is fun to stalk. So I made this quiz.. I hope she passes this quiz. I am so repetitive. hahaha

Do YOU know Janie as well as I do? Take this quiz to find out! I have nothing else to say so this is quite awkward. I love Neil Patrick Harris. 654321

Created by: iluvchriscolfer
  1. What is her middle name?
  2. What 3 electives is she in?
  3. What is her secret passion?
  4. What is her cat's name?
  5. What is her dog's name?
  6. Why does her cat not love Emily Crow?
  7. What is Janie's favourite song?
  8. Who is her best friend?
  9. What is the colour of her mom's car?
  10. Who is Janie's secret admirer?
  11. What will Janie say to Emily after she's done with this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Janie Goheen?