How well do you know Jake Dufner and his friends?

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Welcome to the Jake Dufner and friends quiz. Here you will find hopefully good questions to answer and see. Hope you learn something new from this quiz.

I used Famous Birthdays for some of the FACTS, I also used all of their merchandise cites.It won't let me link the websites I used which is really making me angry.

Created by: Syerra
  1. How old is Jake Dunfer? (as of April 2018)
  2. How old is Mikey Manfs? (As of April 2018)
  3. How old is Tyler Manfs? ( As of April 2018)
  4. How old is BigNik? (As of April 2018)
  5. When was Jake Dufner born?
  6. When was Mikey Manfs born?
  7. When was Tyler Manfs born?
  8. When was BigNik born?
  9. What was the name of Jake's first merchandise?
  10. What was the name of Mikey's first merchandise?
  11. Final question, What is poppin' YouTube?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Jake Dufner and his friends?
