How well do you know Jacksepticeye

This Jacksepticeye quiz is to see how much you know about him. If you know him then you will be fine, if you don't you will fail. If you don't know Jacksepticeye why are you here?

I really hope you like this quiz, this my first time making a quiz! And if people like it, I will make another one! And again I hope you like taking this wonderful quiz

Created by: MaKayla Green
  1. What is Jacksepticeye's real name?
  2. What is Jacksepticeye's mascots name?
  3. What is Jack's favorite color?
  4. How did "Jacksepticeye" get his name?
  5. Is speed key?
  6. Who is Billy
  7. Did Jack let his viewers here his accent when he first started?
  8. What year did Jack join YouTube?
  9. What month did jacksepticeye first join YouTube?
  10. Did you like this How well do you know jacksepticeye quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Jacksepticeye

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