How Well Do You Know Iron Maiden?

Hi, if you are fan of Iron Maiden this quizz is for you! Because now is the moment to see how do you realy know Iron Maiden, Because if you don't know nothing from these question you can't say that you are a fan! !!! UP THE IRONS !!!

Are you a real Iron Maiden fan? Do you have all answer for this quizz? If yes, try and we gonna see your answers!!! Enjoy with this quizz! And see you soon! !!! UP THE IRONS !!!

Created by: Stefan
  1. Wich Year Iron Maiden Play For The First Time In India?
  2. Wich year Iron Maiden play for the first time in India?
  3. Wich year Iron Maiden play for the first time in India?
  4. What is the name of the mascot of Iron Maiden?
  5. Wich chart Iron Maiden got in England for the album 'A Matter Of Life And Death'?
  6. Wich year Iron Maiden have a problem with sharon osborne at Ozzfest?
  7. What is the name of the daughter of Steve Harris (Bass Player Of Iron Maiden)?
  8. Wich song Iron Maiden never play live?
  9. Wich year Iron Maiden had just one concert in Europe?
  10. Is this Quizz easy?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Iron Maiden?