How well do you know Innocent Verany?

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How well do you know the main character from The Heist at the Ball? I made this quiz pretty easy, do if you don't pass it, I'll know you weren't really paying attention.

This quiz ONLY has questions from THATB (no One Night in Paris/Visions Under Wisteria bonus scenes), so if you've read the book you should be good to go! Test your knowledge!

Created by: cinderellascheek
  1. Welcome to the quiz! First question... what color are Innocent's eyes?
  2. What is Innocent's actual name?
  3. In which of these places does Innocent have a scar?
  4. What is Innocent's first line in THATB?
  5. What job did Innocent have before he met Cinderella?
  6. What piece of clothing does Innocent always wear?
  7. What disorder does Innocent have?
  8. Who is Innocent's best friend?
  9. What is Innocent's favorite color?
  10. Which of these does Innocent tend to do?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Innocent Verany?
