How well do you know India?

Hello guys and girls....... I am here with a quiz on the great country INDIA!!!!!🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 It is indeed one of the most beautiful countries in the world!

Yeh desh hai veer jawanon ka albelon ka mastanon ka!!! Saare jahaan se achha Hindustan hamara!!! India is a land of culture and diversity of food,flora,fauna,ethnicity, religions etc.....

Created by: Hars---
  1. Capital of india?
  2. No. Of states?
  3. Current prime minister?
  4. National food!?
  5. First emperor?
  6. First foreigner to attack india?
  7. First foreign power to control India?
  8. Iron man of india?
  9. Largest state?
  10. State with highest literary rate?
  11. Last but not the least.....India's population(nearest)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know India?
