How well do you know horses?

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There are lots of people out there who know lots about horses. Are you one of them? Or are you not? Take this quiz to find out if you want to find out how much you know about horses!

In just a few, you will find out how much you know about horses! Don't lose your chance, in just a click of a button you will know maybe more than you do now!

Created by: Anna
  1. What brush comes first when grooming?
  2. Where is the frog located?
  3. What is the the thing called that keeps the saddle in place under the horse's stomach?
  4. What is the thing you sit on while riding a horse?
  5. What breed of horse has a dished nose?
  6. What are the gaits in the English discipline?
  7. Which gait has 2 beats?
  8. What is a female horse called?
  9. What is a forelock?
  10. True or False: Is there actually such thing as a black horse?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know horses?