How Well Do You Know Horses?

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You are quiet amazing for doing this quiz, and evan better if you finish it! It is quiet an amazing thing to know about, and go out there and use your knowlage to the very best.

Take this quiz to fid out juuust how much you know about amazing horses, and test your friends, and share your newfound knowlage! I hope that yo will enjoy this qiuz>

Created by: samantha
  1. What do you call a white horse?
  2. What is called the sport of kings?
  3. What is a horse facial marking?
  4. What is a chestnut on a horse?
  5. Which of the following is NOT a horse colour?
  6. What is a common name for a large marking above the horses muzzle?
  7. What is NOT a horse facial marking?
  8. What is a common form of saddle?
  9. What do you call an orphoned foal?
  10. Heres a hard one, what horse has a patch over it's rump?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Horses?