How well do you know homestuck

This quiz is just to reveal your knowledge. On the fandom,if you dont/didn't get a great score its all right you just aren't an extreme fan and know less than those crazy guys.

This quiz is just to reveal your knowledge. On the fandom,if you dont/didn't get a great score its all right you just aren't an extreme fan and know less than those crazy guys. :) :3

Created by: Elijah
  1. What is John's last name
  2. Which one of following is NOT a homestuck character
  3. Who is Nepeta's mourail
  4. What is Vriska's last name
  5. What is the "game" the humans enter
  6. Who is the drunk
  7. Who kills Vriska
  8. Who's the cat troll
  9. Who has fuchsia blood (royalty)
  10. Who has fuchsia blood (royalty)
  11. Who has fuchsia blood (royalty)
  12. Sorry about the same question 3 times I messed up,but last one,Who is Dave's guardian

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Quiz topic: How well do I know homestuck