How well do YOU know Hey! Say! JUMP

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There are many people who say "Oh look at me I'm a true JUMP fan I know all their ages and heights and birthdays!!!!!" But... do they actually know JUMP's background history?

Do you think you are a true JUMP fan, this quiz will let you know if you are and it will really test your brain abut if you REALLY know everything about them

Created by: Mei
  1. When did they debut
  2. What was the unit called that was formed BEFORE Hey! Say! JUMP got formed
  3. Where did the group that got formed before HSJ get recognized from
  4. How long did it take for HSJ to debut after they were announced as a group
  5. Since what age did the youngest member of the group start dancing at
  6. Who was the first member in HSJ to have his ears pierced
  7. Who is left handed out of JUMP
  8. Who out of JUMP likes Chinen's face the most?
  9. Which two members joined Johnny's on the same day
  10. Who went to the same High School together

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Hey! Say! JUMP