How Well Do You Know Hercules the TV Series?

This is a test on the series Hercules. See how well you know this series with this test. Better look over the answers. (There is no answer key convient)

Are YOU an expert on this series? Do you really know it? If you get a high score, you also know Greek mythology! Tell that to your parents! They sure should let you take this quiz!

Created by: Devin Calmary

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First of all, who is Hercules
  2. Who are the Muses?
  3. Which of the Muses taught Hercules how to dance?
  4. Who flew too close to the sun?
  5. Who can see into the future, but no one believes the prophecies?
  6. Which Egyptian gods visited Rome?
  7. In the series, who is responsible for naming the Roman gods?
  8. What did Hades say upon hearing his Roman name was Pluto?
  9. Who is Hades' minions
  10. Who is the Amazonian warrior woman from Prometheous Academy?
  11. Which Gorgon became human?
  12. Which of the gods are rivals?
  13. Who wants to take over the Underworld?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Hercules the TV Series?